
CheeseyJack is a vulnerable system found on VulnHub. Below are the steps I utilized to compromise this vulnerable box.

First, after importing the machine, I ran netdiscover -i eth0 to discover the IP address of the host.

CheeseyJack netdiscover

Next, I ran threader3000 with the IP address of the CheeseyJack machine to enumerate open ports.

CheeseyJack threader3000

Next, I let it run it’s recommended nmap scan to find out more details about the open ports.

CheeseyJack nmap 1

CheeseyJack nmap 2

It looks like several services are running including OpenSSH, Apache, and rpc. Let’s first take a look at the website to see if anything interesting can be uncovered.

CheeseyJack website

The initial website doesn’t have anything glaringly obvious on it, so let’s utilize gobuster dir -u http://[victim ip] -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 20 to enumerate the website for potential interesting information. A few directories are uncovered as shown below.

CheeseyJack gobuster

Let’s take a look at the /it_security directory, this directory’s contents are listed, and there is a file named note.txt which has the following information in it.

CheeseyJack it_security note.txt

This appears to tell us that someone named Cheese has a very poor password for the webapp project. Let’s take a look at the /project_management directory next.

CheeseyJack project_management

This page provides us with a login, which is requesting an email address. I tried cheese@cheeseyjack.local with a few easy to guess passwords, but was not able to get in. I did make note that this is running qdPM 9.1. Next, I ran gobuster dir -u http://[victim ip]/project_management -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 20.

CheeseyJack gobuster project_management

This uncovers several potentially interesting directories. After looking around, there was a databases.yml file uncovered in the /project_management/core/config directory that contains user credentials. I made note of these credentials for potential use elsewhere.

CheeseyJack project_management subdirectory enumeration

Next, I ran enum4linux [victim ip] to see if I could uncover anything interesting.

CheeseyJack enum4linux

I was able to uncover 2 usernames: ch33s3m4n and crab. I made note of these as these could potentially be used in email addresses to login to the /project_management subdirectory containing qdPM.

CheeseyJack qdpm login

I tried ch33s3m4n@cheeseyjack.local and after several attempts, was able to get logged in with the password of qdpm (the note.txt file earlier helped figure this out pretty quickly).

CheeseyJack qdpm login

I was not able to find a way to upload a reverse shell, so I ran searchsploit qdpm and was able to uncover a few exploits. The one I decided to utilize was named qdPM < 9.1 - Remote Code Execution. I then ran searchsploit -m 48146 to copy the script to my local directory.

CheeseyJack searchsploit

Next, I opened this exploit in a text editor to modify the information outlined below.

CheeseyJack update RCE exploit

The payload I used was PenTestMonkey’s reverse PHP shell. Next, once saved, I opened a 2nd terminal window and ran nc -nvlp 8080 to open a netcat listener for this exploit to connect to.

CheeseyJack nc listener

Next, I went back to the original terminal window to run this exploit with python3 ./

CheeseyJack run exploit

This will cause an error, but if you go back to your netcat listener, you should have a shell.

CheeseyJack reverse shell

Let’s do some basic enumeration and see what info we can find. First, let’s navigate to cd /home and run ls -al to enumerate the home directories. Not surprising, two show up, ch33s3m4n and crab. I didn’t find anything of interest in ch33s3m4n’s directory, but I did find a todo.txt file in /home/crab. I then ran cat todo.txt which contained some interesting information in it.

CheeseyJack todo.txt

Next, I ran cd /var/backups and ran ls -al to enumerate this directory’s contents. There was a subdirectory named ssh-bak in this directory. I navigated to this folder with cd ssh-bak and ran ls -al, which shows what appears to be a backup copy of an SSH key.

CheeseyJack ssh-bak

Next, I ran cat key.bak and copied the contents into a text file which I saved as ssh_key.txt.

CheeseyJack SSH key

Next, I opened another terminal window and ran chmod 600 ssh_key.txt (as SSH requires these permissions to connect) followed by ssh -i ssh_key.txt crab@[victim ip].

CheeseyJack SSH crab user

We were now connected as the crab user to this host.

CheeseyJack privilege escalation

I next ran sudo -l to enumerate permissions for this user. It appears that this user can run anything as sudo in the /home/crab/.bin/ directory, which makes privilege escalation easily attainable. I ran cp /bin/bash /home/crab/.bin/bash to copy over the bash shell to this folder, followed by by sudo /home/crab/.bin/bash -p to run bash in a privileged mode, this provided me with root access which was verified with whoami.

CheeseyJack root.txt

Finally, I navigate to the root directory with cd /root and ran ls -al, there was a root.txt file present. Running cat root.txt provided the information in the screenshot above, finishing up this box!